Following the late January death of a man in North Las Vegas, auto accident lawyer George Bochanis is urging more effective barriers to protect pedestrians, as well as better mass transit planning to prevent future deaths.
Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) February 6, 2016
North Las Vegas police have confirmed that a pedestrian was struck by a passing vehicle near the intersection of Lone Mountain Road and Camino Al Norte in the early morning hours of January 31st. The victim died a short while later at University Medical Center. Witnesses reported that the 44-year-old man was hurrying to change buses and was crossing the street about 200 feet from the nearest crosswalk when the accident occurred.
Las Vegas attorney George Bochanis points to the incident as proof that Las Vegas streets are not as safe as they could be for pedestrians. He also maintains that “mass transit shouldn’t be planned in such a way as to encourage riders to cross streets in an unsafe manner.” Mr. Bochanis feels that those who use mass transit would be better served by safer options for changing buses, more effective barriers between pedestrians and vehicles, and improvements that take into account the changing patterns of travel among Las Vegas residents.
“Look at the areas where tourists are prevalent,” Mr. Bochanis urges. “We’ve made many excellent improvements to both the Strip and Downtown that increase safety for pedestrians and keep them well-separated from moving vehicles. Shouldn’t we start doing the same for our residents?” He goes on to state that auto accidents are “bad enough when they involve two parties, both in vehicles which provide a modicum of safety.” Accidents involving a vehicle and a pedestrian “have the potential to be much more catastrophic for both parties,” he explains. “For pedestrians, the injuries can be much more debilitating than they might be with the protection offered by a car; for drivers who hit pedestrians, the psychological effects can be profound. Neither party will be unscathed by the incident.”
As an auto accident attorney in the Las Vegas area, Mr. Bochanis says he’s seen a lot of instances of pedestrians being severely injured by moving vehicles. He urges pedestrians and drivers to be more observant, and for pedestrians to be aware of their rights if involved in an accident.